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Tourist Quality

Playa de Matalascañas

Q Tourist Quality

In recent years, quality has become the main object and point of reference for the Spanish tourism industry. Over recent years, the General Secretariat of Tourism has developed the Spanish Tourism Quality System, whose management and promotion body, the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), represents the joint effort between the administration and business associations . The result of this collaboration are the quality specifications for the different tourism sectors and subsectors, which the entrepreneurs and managers themselves have imposed on themselves to comply with, understanding that quality results in improved service to users, optimization of organizations and the consequent improvement in terms of competitiveness.

Applicable standard:

  • UNE 187001:2011. Beaches. Requirements for the service providing.
  • It establishes the requirements applicable to maritime beaches and inland waters related to management, the services offered to the user and the infrastructure and equipment with the aim of providing a quality service.